A Tale of Resilience and Faith: Understanding Grief Through Islamic Coping Mechanisms

Author/s: Metin Çınaroğlu

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37898/ spiritualpc.1403670 

Year: 2024 Vol: 9 Number: 2


This study investigates the interplay between religious cognition within Islamic beliefs and the psychological experience of grief, focusing on Ms. H.B., a 72-year-old mother who faced the heartrending loss of her three children to heart disease. It explores the role of Islamic tenets—tawakkul (reliance on God), Qadr (divine decree), and Yaqin (certainty)—in shaping her coping strategies amidst such profound losses. The case of Ms. H.B. was particularly chosen for its rich narrative that encapsulates both the depth of personal tragedy and the strength of religiously informed resilience, offering invaluable insights into the mechanisms of spiritual coping. This study emphasizes how Ms. H.B.’s reliance on her faith facilitated a unique pathway to acceptance and trust, challenging traditional concepts of psychological resilience. It prompts a re-evaluation of the cross-cultural applicability of these religious principles and their integration into mental health practices, highlighting the supportive role of faith-based communities in providing solace and strength during times of extreme adversity. Ms. H.B.’s poignant narrative underlines the intricate connection between religious faith and psychological fortitude, advocating for an integrated perspective that respects the synergistic relationship between spiritual and mental health. Conducted within an Islamic context, this research contributes to ongoing discussions on intersecting themes across disciplines within the domains of psychology, theology, and sociology, shedding light on the complex dynamics of faith, acceptance, and endurance in the face of life’s most challenging circumstances.

Spiritual Psychology • Profound losses and Grief • Islamic coping • Tawakkul • Qadr • Yaqin • Coping mechanisms