Adaptation of the Employee Spirituality Scale into Turkish: A Study on Healthcare Workers

Author/s: Hıdır Apak


Year: 2025 Vol: 10 Number: 1


This study aimed to adapt the Employee Spirituality Scale to Turkish culture for healthcare professionals. A total of 230 healthcare workers participated in the adaptation of the scale, which comprises 24 items. The research data were collected face-to-face with a questionnaire that included demographic characteristics, the Employee Spirituality Scale, and the Spiritual Orientation Scale. Construct validity was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The two-factor structure of the Employee Spirituality Scale was confirmed in the Turkish sample and showed acceptable fit values. Because of CFA, 2 items were removed from the scale because they did not fit. For criterion validity, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the scale and the Spiritual Orientation Scale was calculated, and a significant positive result was obtained. This study demonstrated that the Turkish version of the Employee Spirituality Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool for health care workers to assess the various dimensions of human spirituality that give individuals a sense of guidance, facilitate finding meaning and purpose in one’s tasks, enable them to overcome their weaknesses and limitations in the workplace, and assess various dimensions of human spirituality as a relationship with a higher power.

Scale adaptation • Health worker • Spirituality • Reliability • Validity

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