Answers to Carl Gustav Jung in the Perspective of the Quran: The Process of Individuation

Author/s: Bahanur Malak Akgün


Year: 2021 Vol: 6 Number: 2


This study aimed to present a critical approach to the concept of individuation in the analytical psychology. Content analysis was used. The obtained seven themes are about the verses of Ashab-ı Kehf and the two men in the Quran. It is understood that individuation does not occur spontaneously and means true path in the Quran, that it takes place in sleep, that it has dreams of transformation related to individuation, that it has some stages. Someone must firstly believe in Allah to individualize. The first stage of individuation is the individuation of the heart, that is, the metaphysical resurrection. The oppsosite of individuation of the heart is the sealing of the hearts may occur. It has been discovered in the Quran that the soul is the shadow, the mating soul is the anima/animus, that is, the heart. The shadow is represented by the soil, and the anima/animus is represented by the cave in the Quran. In the dream of Ashab-ı Kehf, it is concluded that the dog in the cave represents the shadow, and the young person who goes to the city represents the persona. The cave is not a psyche compartment that the self is matures in the individuation.

Quran, Human nature, Soul, Ashab-ı Kehf, Psyche, Individuation, Analytical psychology, Psychiatric Nursing

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