Understanding Religion As a Phenomenon in Workplace Sprituality: A Durkheimian Approach

Author/s: Elif Baykal

DOI: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4966-8074 

Year: 2021 Vol: 6 Number: 2


In this study, Durkheim’s structural functionalism and his approach to religion and social solidarity will be used to gain an in-depth understanding of the workplace spirituality approach in management literature. In this context, workplace spirituality is defined as the inner lives of employees fueled by meaningful work that is realized in the context of a community. The concept of organizational spirituality, the ultimate aim of building strong connections within an individual’s life and between his or her work colleagues, is defined by efforts to comply with specific beliefs and values in the workplace. In fact, it is more clearly understood as the strong relationships that employees will develop with each other, their jobs, and workplacep. As well as the views of famous structural-functionalist Durkheim on society and religion, the common approaches that can illuminate the possible impact of these views on workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership theories will be discussed in detail. Later, the position and function of religion in both Durkheimian and workplace spirituality approaches will be explained. Therefore, this study is important in giving a theoretical understanding of the importance of spiritual literature and its holistic viewpoint that overlaps with Durkheims views on religion.

Durkheim, Structural Functionalism, Workplace Spirituality, Spiritual Leadership

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