Personal Assets and Gratification Delay among Youths: Eudaemonic Well-being as a Potential Mediator

Author/s: Meseret Ayalew Dejenie, Dawit Asrat Getahun, Amare Sahle Abebe


Year: 2024 Vol: 3 Number: 9


This study investigated the relationship between personal developmental assets, eudemonic well-being, and gratification delay among youths. The participants of the study were 614 students selected from secondary schools. Specifically, this study examined the model’s fit to the data, the direct effect of personal assets on eudaemonic well-being and gratification delay; the contribution of eudaemonic well-being to gratification delay, and the indirect effect of personal assets on gratification delay. Data were collected using selected factors and items from the gratification delay, Ryff psychological well- being, and developmental asset profile scales. Data were analysed with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The result revealed that the model fits the data well. The personal asset has a considerable direct effect on both eudemonic well-being and the ability to delay gratification. In addition, eudaemonic well-being has a significant effect on the ability to delay gratification. Furthermore, eudemonic well-being partially mediates the relationship between personal assets and the ability to delay gratification. Personal asset has a direct and indirect significant effect on the ability to delay gratification. It is concluded that intervention that improves the personal assets and eudaemonic well-being of youths contributes to enhance the ability to delay gratification.

Personal developmental asset • Gratification delay • Eudaemonic Well- being • Youth • Positive Development